Introduction to the BoostEdu course structure
The I&E e-learning course includes 4 overall modules unfolded into 19 complementary short appetizer videos interconnected with 19 full e-learning subtheme lessons each of 5-15 minutes inclusive checkpoint questions (see overview below). The course will be available at the edX platform at the Polytechnic University of Valencia with entrance directly from this webpage – see the specific course modules.
All lessons are with English narration by lecturers from the 6 partnership universities presenting the national perspectives of the topics. Each lesson can be taken at the participants’ own pace and several times – and there is no specific order of the lessons. There is easy access via an internet connected computer or tablet whenever time permits at work, at home or at other locations, there is no requirement for additional software or hardware.
Furthermore, there are no costs for travelling or accommodation and minimal work time is lost. Overall, this course transforms 3-4 days of face-to-face teaching into 6-7 hours of condensed flexible e-learning with individual progress. There is no exam included, but the full course corresponds to 1,25 ECTS in workload.